‘March in February’ 2018

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The Strand has been home to innumerable protests over the years, with the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, led by Wat Tyler, creating perhaps the most enduring folk memory. Strandlines could encompass the Stop the War march of 2003 which was variously estimated to be between one and three million people, still the largest political demonstration in recent times.

The Universities and Colleges Union march in February 2018 was more modest, though it had its own language of revolt. The industrial action was begun by university and college lecturers in defence of defined benefit pensions; with student support, it catalysed wider thinking about who and what universities were for. These images, taken from Kingsway to Westminster Hall on a UCU-led  march, catch opinions on the move.

Clare Brant

Clare Brant

Clare is co-Director of the Centre for Life-Writing Research, and Professor of Eighteenth-century Literature & Culture in the English Department at King’s College London.

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